Saturday, December 8, 2007

Santa Monica - Venice Christmas Run - 10K

The SGV TNT saga continues with the 2nd Team Race. Like Janet Jackson, many of us experienced Wardrobe Malfunction before the race but we were abled to figure it out. I took a lot of pictures of my teammates during the race but apparently Heather, Frank, Pam, Christy and Sandra are too fast too furious for my camera. Well... suck to be fast in this aspect =P
Our very own TNT SGV Spring 08 Speed Demon.
Heather: 45:07 total 7:17 mins per mile pace
Frank: 46:13 total: 7:28 mins per mile pace
Louis: 57:04 total 9:13 mins per mile pace
Heather won't stand a chance against me... in an eating contest!
I can only take pictures of these girls when they stand still... because THEY ARE TOO FAST!
(our left to right: Christy, Pam, Heather(middle), and Sandra)

Mentor Patty and I. She checks on me to make sure my training and fundraing are on tracks. She also offers support and advises.

Mission Accomplished!

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