Saturday, November 17, 2007

I hate writing but I want to make a difference!

My coworker Mike Merchant always tell me don't say bad thing about myself. But today, I just want to say... I AM A VERY VERY BAD WRITER. I am a Java Application Developer and I can write computer code all day long... but I seriously can't write jack!!! This is the reason why I am an Java Application Developer.... not a writer. As much as I hate writing, I want to write about all these positive experience I received from TNT training. I want to make a difference. Anyway, while I am trying very hard to figure out how to write my blog entry about Coach Kiley. My friend Mike Chan aimed me.

You can see my frustration below on my AIM chart.

Maj0rH4x** (5:29:28 PM): plan on goin to the museum again?
kenshin01 (5:29:36 PM): not this week
kenshin01 (5:29:39 PM): I am writing my marathon blog
kenshin01 (5:29:42 PM): and I am hiking Mt Baldy tomorrow
kenshin01 (5:29:43 PM): you know what
kenshin01 (5:29:49 PM): I HATE WRITING!
kenshin01 (5:29:57 PM): but I need to write my blog =)

Maj0rH4x** (5:30:00 PM): lol
kenshin01 (5:30:11 PM): I want to express what I experienced to my friends regarding to my TNT training
kenshin01 (5:30:19 PM): I hope you are reading it @*#$!

kenshin01 (5:30:21 PM): Die Die Die!!!
kenshin01 (5:30:25 PM): geez when I need to write I want to eat... let's go eat!!!

I am glad MajorH4x** a.k.a. Mike Chan (note: ** is used to protect his identity) aimed me. Now that I get the I HATE WRITING thing off of my chest, I hope this will help me to write my blog about Coach Kiley. I'll finish the blog today... *_*

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